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Efficient Mining Equipment Maintenance to Prevent Downtime

Efficient Mining Equipment Maintenance to Prevent Downtime

Are you concerned about machine downtime and lost productivity? Do you worry about your mining equipment maintenance strategy? This article will help!

We examine the importance of servicing machinery and the different maintenance strategies you should use. We’ll identify best practices for servicing mining equipment and remind you how partnering with HDD Solutions will be the best decision you can make for your valuable equipment.

The Role of Regular Maintenance for Underground Mining Equipment

Your mining operation loses money whenever your mining equipment is not operating as expected!

Let’s look at the role of maintenance for your underground mine.

What is Regular Maintenance?

Your equipment is vital to your operation. Regular maintenance includes checks, inspections and servicing to reduce the risk of downtime and ensure ongoing operations. Your maintenance team performs minor servicing and inspects equipment for wear and tear to identify any parts needing replacement before a breakdown occurs.

In the event of machine failure, your maintenance strategy should be to get the essential equipment running as quickly as possible to reduce the impact of downtime on your productivity and profit margins.

Wear and Tear

Mining equipment is used in harsh environments such as underground and in remote, sandy or dusty areas. It is often used constantly and is subject to wear and tear through regular operations. Eventually, if maintenance is not carried out, your machinery will break down, essential parts need to be replaced, and your production will cease while repairs are being carried out.
Wear and tear, through usage, can impact:

  • Moving parts, which become worn due to friction
  • Any hydraulics. They can lose pressure and leak
  • Electrical systems struggling to handle the harsh operating conditions.

Routine Maintenance for Heavy Machinery

Poor equipment maintenance can pose a safety hazard to your workforce, and if your machinery has an unexpected breakdown, it can be expensive to get back up and running. Regular maintenance reduces the chance of machinery breakdown and the resulting impact on production.

Types of Maintenance Strategies for Mining Equipment

It is possible to approach maintenance in a number of ways. In this section, we take a look at some common types of maintenance strategy:

Scheduled vs Unscheduled Maintenance

Maintenance is either scheduled or unscheduled. Scheduled maintenance is proactive, while unscheduled maintenance is known as reactive. Most operations will need to use a mixture of all four types:

  • Preventive
    Preventive maintenance involves regular, scheduled tasks to prevent equipment failure and keep your machinery running at its optimum levels.This helps reduce the risk of downtime and ensures the ongoing reliability of your valuable equipment while extending the likely lifespan of the machinery.
  • Predictive
    This is the appliance of science! Sensors are used on equipment to measure vibrations, temperature, etc. The data output is compared with historical data and predictive modelling to suggest when faults or failures are likely to happen.Predictive maintenance is used to address potential problems before they happen.
  • Corrective
    Unscheduled, Corrective maintenance restores your equipment to operational status as failures and faults occur.The point is to get machinery running as quickly as possible. Corrective maintenance is necessary but costly and can lead to slow operations.
  • Reactive
    Sometimes known as ‘run-to-failure’ and similar to Corrective maintenance, Reactive maintenance reacts to unexpected equipment breakdowns.A Reliance solely on unscheduled maintenance is more expensive and impacts productivity more than using a blend of maintenance types.

Best Practices for Mining Equipment Servicing

Some tried and tested ways to keep your machinery in the best working condition:

Maintenance Team

How to put your team together

  • Skills:
    While some will specialise, team members should between them all understand the different types of maintenance, such as corrective and predictive maintenance.This means they can handle scheduled tasks and emergencies like equipment failure.
  • Roles and responsibilities:
    Ensure each piece of equipment has a team member assigned to it for maintenance tasks. Some team members may concentrate on equipment maintenance solutions while others work on heavy machinery.
  • Training:
    Ongoing training is vital to ensure your team knows the latest maintenance techniques and is familiar with changes to the equipment and relevant industry regulations.

Maintenance Management Strategies

Use technology to streamline your equipment servicing methods

  • Work order systems:
    Using online work orders means every piece of equipment is regularly inspected and serviced.
  • Maintenance tracking software:
    Track the history of each piece of equipment, including records of regular servicing and any unscheduled maintenance in response to faults or failures.

Preventative Maintenance

Scheduled Preventative maintenance will help keep your equipment running and ensure a safe working environment:

  • Reducing wear and tear:
    Regular servicing reduces the risk of problems occurring and helps extend the life of your equipment.
  • Regular inspections:
    These help you identify problems before they happen, often allowing you to avoid equipment failure.
  • Health and safety compliance:
    Regular checks make your mine site safer. Well-maintained equipment helps avoid accidents and makes the workforce feel more secure and confident.

HDD Solutions for The Best Mining Maintenance Solutions

At HDD Solutions, our maintenance services are tailored to the needs of your environment and your particular requirements

We use a mix of predictive and proactive maintenance strategies to reduce the risk of any downtime.

With HDD Solutions, you can be sure your equipment is in the best hands, no matter the piece of equipment or how demanding the conditions are. Our team is experienced and expert.

Let’s work together to keep your mining equipment in the best operating condition, reduce the risk of equipment failure, and boost your productivity.

Get in touch with HDD Solutions today for reliable, professional equipment servicing.

We offer first class service and pride ourselves on fast turnaround times to ensure we keep your underground fleet moving.

We can help you with your project.